Friday 23 July 2010

My Top 10 - Gene Hunt-isms

Gene HuntAllot of characters on TV today lack…um…well putting it politely, balls! That’s why I fell head over heels in love with Gene Hunt  (Life on Mars & Ashes to Ashes). He’d probably read that and say something like ‘Shut up, you soft, southern, nancy, poof!!’, but I don’t care. In today’s Politically Correct society where we don’t say something just in case someone gets offended…even though the chances are they won’t, but let’s not say it anyway…arrrgh, he was a breath of fresh air. I would so like, nay love, to see more characters like him being written into the programmes on our screens.

So without further ado, here is my top ten. *In no particular order*

  1. "Tinker, Sailor, Soldier, Twat."
  2. “Today, my friend, your diary entry will read: took a prozzie hostage and was shot by three armed bastards.”
  3. "He's got fingers in more pies than a leper on a cookery course"
  4. “You great soft-sissy-girlie-nancy-French-bender-Man-Utd-supporting puff!”
  5. "Shut your gob! Or I'll come round your houses and stamp on all your toys"
  6. “The criminal fraternity sometimes indulge in practices called Pretending and Lying.”
  7. "I invented something once - the bruise free groin slap"
  8. “Freeze! You are surrounded by armed bastards!”
  9. "There will never be a woman prime minister as long as I have a hole in my arse."
  10. "Drugs, eh? What's the point. They make you forget, make you talk funny, make you see things that aren't there. My old grandma got all of that for free when she had a stroke."

He was funny, rude, shocking and most importantly, politically un-correct! Long live the Gene-Genie.

Hunt-isms taken from: & Photo:

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